What I do

I work with regulated organisations to show them how to create and sustain seamless, inclusive and profitable experiences for all their customers. I’ll help you to understand the pain points in your vulnerable customer’s interactions with your organisation and guide you through my proven approach to designing and implementing inclusive, seamless, and deliberate experiences which evoke the feelings which lead to the desired outcomes.

How we feel about an experience with a company directly drives the decisions we make and the actions we take. Building on existing progress, I coach business leaders and their teams to understand the problems from your customer’s perspective (including those with additional needs), and co-create and implement solutions which make a tangible difference to the experience making it memorable for all the right reasons.

All services are available virtually or face to face.

Carolyn Delehanty
Delehanty CX Coaching

CX Coaching

Delehanty CX Training

CX Training

Delehanty CX Advocacy

CX Advocacy Services

Customer experience (CX) is the sum total of customers’ perceptions and feelings resulting from interactions with a brand’s products and services. Customer experience spans the lifetime of customers’ relationships with a brand, starting before a purchase is made, continuing to active use and advancing to renewal or repeat purchase

“Carolyn has a gift when it comes to CX. It starts with a real empathy for the customer, the client and the work and it evolves to a trusted and valued colleague.”

Jack Scheible, President of Candor Alliance